compound eye

英 美
  • n. (昆虫的)复眼
  • coma n.昏迷
  • comake vt.(为保证借款人履行义务)共同在(借据)上签字
  • comanagement n.共同经营(指工人参与企业管理)
  • comanchean adj.[地质]卡曼奇纪的
  • comandante n.(=commandant)司令官;指挥官
  1. in insects and some crustaceans: composed of many light-sensitive elements each forming a portion of an image

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Ants can swarm over a field and find the choicest food in it as if the swarm were a large compound eye.
    2. Compound eyes in living arthropods such as insects are very sensitive to motion , and it is likely that they were similarly important in predator detection in trilobites.

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